Gym Art Meets

Designed specifically for gymnastics organizers, Gym Art Meets (GAM.) provides a suite of free, easy-to-use tools so you can get back to what matters most. GAM enables you to create and manage gymnastics events, manage scoring with or without the internet, and generate schedules in seconds.

What can you do with Gym Art Meets?

Organize gymnastics meets, create schedules, and leverage live and offline scoring.

Generate Schedules

Generate sessions that are optimized for athlete, coach, and judge experience during the event.

Live Scoring

Handle scoring with and without the internet safely and reliably. Public scores are published to the Gym Art app, exportable to Excel, and to printable formats.

Sell Tickets

Sell admission tickets to your meet with lots of customizability. Provide a virtual ticket option to allow the world to access your meet and boost your revenue

Real Time Updates

Scratched athlete? Last minute sub? With GAM it’s all easy to handle. Any last minute change will automatically update the schedule, rotations, and scoring dynamically and in real-time.

Versioning & Publishing

Easily create different variations of your schedule so that you can experiment with different line-ups. Select which one you want to share with the public, and have it posted on the Gym Art app.

100% Free

We know the reality of the constraints that organizers face, so we’ve made GAM completely free to use.

Gym Art makes its money instead by asking the spectators for a small service fee to view the results and videos.


Share access with anyone on your team and collaborate in real time on your meets.

Your Data is Yours

Unlike competitors, Gym Art does not own exclusive rights to your scores and videos. Instead, we propose a 50/50 ownership of the data so that you can distribute the scores and videos as you wish. This way, Gym Art can provide an exceptional platform for spectators to view your meet.

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Gym Art Meets is specifically designed for gymnastics event organizers. It allows them to quickly create and organize a meet with ease.

  • Yes, G.A.M. is completely free to use and will remain so.

    Gymnastics is complicated and can be expensive, and that's why we want to provide you with high quality tools without another financial burden

  • In our terms and conditions we outline that any scores or videos published with Gym Art are co-owned by Gym Art and you, the organizer.

    Being a co-owner allows Gym Art to provide the best experience possible to spectators. You can download and publish the scores and/or routine videos as you wish.

  • G.A.M. will work straight from your web browser, on all devices (even phones).

    For scoring, judges will need a device (phone, tablet, or computer) so that they can enter scores.

    To run a meet offline, you'll need:

    • Either a Mac or Windows computer

    • A router

  • Yes, you can control whether or not your meet is private or public. If private, only people with the meet password will be able to see the results and videos.

  • Yes! With G.A.M. you can upload scores all at once using a CSV file, or one at a time.

  • Routine videos can be recorded and uploaded using our mobile application for judges: Judge's Companion.

    Judges and staff enter the meet's password combined with their access code. Then, they can easily upload videos.

  • Instead of burdening organizers and admins with additional costs, we provide our tools for free. Instead, spectators pay for a high quality interface for viewing the results and videos.

Still have questions?

Feel free to contact us at